viernes , mayo 3 2024

Unidentified persons tried to hack a Twitter account of a journalist

On September 4, 2013, Mirsay Shimkevich, journalist and representative of the National College of Journalists in Aragua state, denounced at IPYS Venezuela that, unidentified persons allegedly tried to illegally hack his personal account on Twitter social network (@Mirsa). The reasons for this cyber-aggression are unknown. The previous day, the journalist had expressed his opinions on a nationwide generalized electric power outage which affected more than14 states for several hours.

Mirsay Shimkevich -who is also the woman in charge of communications for the Chamber of Industrialists of Aragua state – explained to IPYS Venezuela that during the wee hours of the morning a notice was sent to her persona account on a change of password to her Twitter account. She also realized that her profile photo had been changed. For this reason, she presumes that unidentified persons fraudulently entered into and hacked her account on that platform.

The journalist took the necessary security measures and no identity theft incident took place.

Shimkevich explained that in previous occasions she has had evidence of this same action, in which unidentified persons request a personal password change for her Twitter account. She said that these incidents have taken place after she expressed criticism on the nation´s sociopolitical situation.

This event is considered as a cyber-aggression.

Label: cyber-aggression 

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